Magazines, TV shows, personal branding, celebrities: Christina Flach, Founder of Pretty Girl Makeup

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👋👋 Hey D2C community!  

We're thrilled to have you join us for the 24th episode of our D2CVille Stories Series. This time around, we had a fantastic chat with Christina Flach, the founder and CEO of the US-based beauty brand, Pretty Girl Makeup.

🟢 Christina is no stranger to the celebrity world, having worked her makeup magic on stars like Miley Cyrus and Sharon Case. So you bet she travels a lot! And she's not just a makeup artist; you can spot her contributing to beauty magazines and popping up on California Live NBC.

🟢 One thing you'll notice about Christina is that she puts a lot of effort into building her personal brand. She firmly believes, "I’m my brand and my brand is me."

🟢 Back in 1999, Christina decided to take matters into her own hands. She wasn't happy with the quality of lip glosses out there, so she launched her own beauty line. Now, in 2023, she's embarking on a new journey again, creating another brand, but this time, she's got a bigger budget, and she's currently in the process of fundraising for it.

🟢 We had a really in-depth conversation about what was it like to run a D2C brand back then, working with celebrities, the ins and outs of magazines and TV shows, social media marketing, celebrity brands, and the future of the beauty D2C sector.

So if you're looking for cruelty-free and lasting lip glosses, check Pretty Girl Makeup!

We've got tons more exciting content coming your way, so stay tuned! 🔜🚀

And follow us on social media via⁠⁠

Christina Flach
Pretty Girl Makeup

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