Building your CPG brand from a school project: Eli Bank from Absurd Snacks

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👋👋 Hey D2C community!  

On the 26th episode of the D2CVille Stories Series, we talked to Eli Bank, co-founder of Absurd Snacks. And Eli offered a discount to D2CVille listeners! Check it out at the end of this post 😀

🟢 Eli's journey in establishing a CPG brand took an unconventional turn. Inspired by his nut-allergic friend, he and co-founder Grace conceived the idea of crafting an "inclusive trail mix" for a university project.

🟢 By participating in numerous startup challenges and establishing connections with key figures in the CPG industry, they successfully secured initial funding.

🟢 Presently, their primary focus is on the retail sector, conducting weekly demonstration shows in collaboration with partner stores.

🟢 Recognizing that many allergen-free products in the market emphasize their health benefits, they have shifted their promotional strategy to highlight their vibrant and approachable branding.

So what are you waiting for? Check out the episode for matchless growth tips and let us know what you think!

For our listeners remember to visit Absurd Snacks to see if they're available in your region and use the discount code “D2CVille” for a discount on your first purchase!

We've got tons more exciting content coming your way, so stay tuned! 🔜🚀

And follow us on social media via⁠⁠.

Eli Bank

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