D2C Analytics: Alon and Michael from Octup

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👋👋 Hey D2C community!  In our 28th episode of the D2CVille Stories Series, we had a chat with Alon Portuk, who is the Founder & CEO at Octup, along with Michael Woolfson, the Head of Growth. They shared insights into how they support Shopify D2C brands!

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Now, back to the good stuff:

🟢 After the successful scaling of Apricoat, Alon ventured into founding Octup.

🟢 As Alon mentioned, "One of the problems today’s D2C brands have is tons of tabs they have on their browser." So Octup offers a consolidated platform instead of navigating through multiple analytical tools. It provides crucial operational data essential for your business.

🟢 We also chatted about how to make a Shopify tool thrive in a tough market, tapping into Michael's experience in boosting growth.

So what are you waiting for? Check out the episode and let us know what you think!

For our listeners remember to visit Octup!

We've got tons more exciting content coming your way, so stay tuned!

And follow us on social media via https://linkpop.com/d2cville.

Alon Partuk
Founder and CEO

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